Healing and Change Happen in Community

Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

This week I did something really scary.

I started planning out my death……literally.

I started reflecting, envisioning and planning out what would happen if/when I got to a point in my life when I was no longer able to care for or advocate for myself (if you're in California, here is a link).

If that sounds like a really big and overwhelming concept……I won’t lie to you, it is.

We don’t live in a culture or society that actively honors and embraces end of life and so most of us fear it, resist it or live in complete denial around it.

I’d venture to say it’s the root of much of our own suffering and neuroses (*raises hand*).

But you know what made it less scary? More digestible? And dare I even say……playful?

It was the fact that I did it with community, with sensitive and caring people who I love and cherish dearly.

We all got on a zoom together, took some deep breaths, acknowledged what was showing up for each of us and then we all opened the website and started answering some very confronting questions.

We were there for each other every step of the way. We didn’t try to fix what any of us were experiencing but we held space for all the various emotions (and there were many) that arose.

Sometimes we were brainstorming, sometimes we were laughing and often times we were simply silent - taking comfort in the fact that we didn’t have to take these big steps alone.

It was nourishing, nervous system regulating and honestly life changing which is usually my experience when I do something in community with the right people - it always fundamentally shifts me, my experience of life and what’s possible.

In the past I was someone who was always there for others and while I myself was vulnerable to an extent, I would often hide what was actually going on with me out of fear of being ‘too much’ and to not be a ‘burden’ I would go deal with it purely on my own.

Part of that was because I don’t always know that I was in relationship with people who could really hear and see me in the ways I needed but another part was because it was terrifying for me to be that open.

It felt easier to just deal with my stuff on my own vs. run the risk of exposing myself and being misunderstood.

But as I’ve gone along in my journey and gotten clearer on and nurtured the types of relationships and communities that are supportive, reciprocal, and aligned with my values, I’ve felt safer to share more of myself in real time and allowed myself to be witnessed.

When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and transform, we give permission to others to do the same.

Allowing ourselves to be seen (correctly) in the eyes of another is healing, builds deeper bonds and increases intimacy…….all of which increases connection, imagination, community and resiliency as human beings.

And this is part of what helps create new realities for ourselves and the world beyond us.

Regardless if it’s a time of celebration, challenge or transition, this is the power of sharing space, seeing and supporting one another and learning from each other.

This is the foundation for the Corporate to Creative Cohort: 12 weeks of stepping more fully and confidently into Creative Entrepreneurship with the power of people on the same journey - seeing you, inspiring you and (gently) pushing you.

Pricing tiers are available and we start on June 24th. Reach out if you have questions!

With ease,

p.s - If you’re wondering what the celebration for my final Earthly transition is going to look like, feel free to email me because I’ve got IDEAS (i.e: sleepover for guests, spa, ceremony, dancing, healers and wellness practitioners on site, feasting).