Do What You Can, With What You’ve Got, Where You Are

"Do What You Can, With What You’ve Got, Where You Are"

This is a quote by Squire Bill Widener that has been on my vision board now for the last few months and I have to say it might be one of my favorite parts on the board (besides the multiple comic book style images of Angela Bassett).

As someone who is highly creative, I get so many ideas and so many visions that I want to act on and as inspiring and as exciting as they can be what can often happen is that I get overwhelmed and get taken out by “which one do I start with” as well as “where do I even start?”

I see this often in my clients as well - the desire to want to make a change or the desire to start something new but getting completely overwhelmed about the “how” because they are only focused on the end result.

This overwhelm can also often be compounded by comparison and seeing other people, especially online, putting their thoughts, creative projects and ideas out into the world and as you view their finished product, you may find your mind start to fill with thoughts of:

  • “I could never say / do that as well as them”

  • “I could never get there”

  • “That looks / seems too hard”

  • "It's already been done so I can't do it"

  • Etc. etc etc

First of all, no one can do / say something the way you can. Your energy is your energy and if you’re staying true to your heart and your own authentic voice then that can never be replicated (this is why consistent energetic hygiene is so important, so you're actually clear what your energy is and not confusing it with other people's).  

Of course, if you are inspired by someone I believe it’s respectful and responsible to mention their influence on you……and that still doesn’t mean you can’t put your own experience of that thing out into the world in some way.

Secondly, what I’ve come to realize for myself and with the people I work with is that the mind spirals and the comparison can feel so real but actually be a really beautiful and sneaky form of self-sabotage. It can feel really scary to start something - it's vulnerable and there are no promises or guarantees around we stop ourselves before we even begin.

But as the EFT practitioner Brad Yates often says:

“Self-sabotage is misguided self-love.”

I think this is a really helpful reminder so that when you catch yourself getting caught in those mind spirals, you have a more compassionate framework to work with and ground yourself into beyond the false belief that you aren’t good / smart / creative / talented / driven enough which couldn’t be further from the truth (another reason why I recommend EFT so much so you can stop the brain spirals).

I just want to say that you really are more than enough regardless of what the small brain is saying and regardless of what you put out into the world.

However, if you find that what feels loving is that you do want to act more on your creativity or get into action around something that you’ve been putting off, I have found the following things helpful.

1.) Tap!

  • Name the block for what it is and use use EFT / ‘Tapping’ to clear the energy so you can create a new belief system for yourself and take new action. Here is a video I created specifically around this.

2.) Set Reminders (put reminders on your phone or stickie notes up around your home if you have to):

  • It’s ok not to have everything figured out

  • Every step I take is a big step (even if it’s a baby step)

  • It doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to get done.

  • There is no “wrong” decision. Everything is information that is useful for me.

  • My voice, perspective and creativity matter!

  • It’s safe for me to start and take action.

  • The world needs my ideas and I deserve to share them

3.) Keep A List

  • Write out all of your creative ideas or things you want to take action on that you have not yet - get them out of your head!

  • This can can be an ongoing list that you come back to over and over again!

4.) Get Specific + Make a Plan

  • Choose ONE to work on for a certain amount of time (pro tip: give yourself more time than you think is necessary)

  • You don’t have to know every single step but I recommend starting from the “end” and work your way backwards so you have a better / clearer idea of what needs to happen (and trust that the next right action will also reveal itself to you)

  • Unfinished projects that you still feel connected to can begin to drain your energy so allow yourself to either let it go for good or put a plan in place to complete it!

Alright, that’s it for me this week. Get out there and share yourself! You deserve it and the world deserves (needs) it.

If you need more direct support you can book EFT sessions with me here or if you’re on the verge of a bigger start in your life, there’s spaces available in the upcoming Corporate to Creative 3 month cohort beginning on June 24th.

With ease 💐,