Leap and the Net will Appear

I’m in the process of making a big investment into myself and my business and I’m not going to lie, it feels scary.

There’s no guarantees that it’s going to work but I’m in a serious season of re-birth and my business is a part of that.

This feeling of fear isn’t something new, it’s something that I’ve grown accustomed to over the last couple of years and have consciously built up my resources and nervous system capacity to be able to navigate it.

For YEARS I knew I wanted to leave my corporate job and I kept waiting for the "right moment" or the right sign to tell me when it was time.

I tried to prepare myself as much as possible financially and emotionally but at some point the fact that I was constantly looking for a sign was actually the only sign I needed (on top of the fact that I had made a deal with a co-worker that I was going to leave by a certain date).

One of the things that really helped me was something that my meditation teacher said which was:

It's not dip your toe in, and the net will appear.
It's leap, and the net will appear.
The operative word is leap, which means both feet have to leave the ground. And you must gain momentum, and a part of you must be scared as hell because you have no idea what's going to happen next.
Only then will the net appear.

And I did it. I leaped. And guess what? The net appeared.

And since making that initial leap into creative entrepreneurship, everything from starting my coaching business to being on stage, the safety net (the resources, people, signs and actions) has continued to appear over and over again.

This is why I created The Bridge: Corporate to Creative Cohort: to help create that safety net for those who are thinking about leaping at some point or have already leapt into creative entrepreneurship (and more generally, their creativity).

When a desire comes from the heart (not the head / ego) one of the most loving things we can do for ourselves is to leap.

This doesn’t mean you run away from your life or make rash / irresponsible decisions but it does mean that at some point if you want the life, the dream, the next chapter, there is some form of leaping - taking action- that’s specific to you that’s going to have to happen.

It’s one of the most profound ways to honor your personal, professional and creative evolution.

It’s scary to stop doing something that we’ve known for awhile even when we know it’s no longer in alignment and it can feel even scarier to go into the unknown.

But the unknown is where all the magic happens.

Your fear won’t necessarily ever go away, I know mine hasn’t……..and it shouldn’t. We need a healthy amount of fear to keep us grounded.

But it doesn’t have to run the show - fear and faith aren’t mutually exclusive.

So while you have your fear, you can continue to build up your reserves of courage, resources, community, trust in something bigger than you and in your ability to land on your own two feet.

And you watch the magic begin to unfold.

So if you’re in a season of rebirth or on the cusp of leaping into that new chapter and are looking for a safety net / new foundation, there’s still a few spots left in my 3 month cohort, Corporate to Creative. We begin June 24th.

If you have questions, feel free to reply directly to this email.

Happy Leaping and remember your net is waiting for you!

Bianca 💐