How EFT Radically Transformed My Life

I first learned about EFT at the end of 2016 when I was going through an incredibly trying time in my personal life and I was trying to figure out next steps in my career.

Personally, my parents were separating and I was dealing with a lot of grief and I was also in a messy relationship with an ex (let's be honest, we've all been there) and I was dealing with a lot of anger and resentment.

Professionally, I knew I didn't want to work in advertising, or in the corporate world, anymore (at least not full time).....but wasn't sure what my next steps were.

I was in therapy and I was into various healing modalities but I still couldn't see to get the clarity I was looking for.......I felt stuck and was honestly f**king over it.

I have always believed in divine timing but just like I said in my newsletter last week, I could sense that there were things on my side of the street that I needed to be looking at and cleaning up if I really wanted to move forward when the time was right.

When it was initially introduced to me by a friend, I started trying out EFT on my own and was intrigued by how simple it was and how good I felt so quickly.

But like I said, I knew I had some deep s**t I needed to move through so I decided to work with a skilled practitioner.

It was a financial commitment at the time but I threw my hat over the fence because at that point
the pain of staying the same was outweighing any sort of money fears I was experiencing
(plus, doing EFT helped me to make that money back plus some).

And after a few sessions, I truly felt like I had new insides.

My nervous system was the most regulated it had probably ever been, I was clear about the boundaries I needed to instill in my personal life and I also got clear the steps I needed to take to leave my corporate job.

It didn't happen all at once, but it happened.

Because my insides were different, the actions I was taking in the outside world started to reflect that change.

A huge part of that clarity came from the decision to become an EFT practitioner myself and start working with my own clients.

To this day I believe it’s one of the best choices I have ever made.

It gave me a new and fulfilling career path, transitioned me into being an Artist and it gave me a lifeline back to knowing myself beyond stress and trauma so I could see who I was and what I wanted much more clearly.

I don’t believe any one modality is a cure all or a magic pill but as someone whose taken endless trainings, learned countless healing modalities and has been working 1:1 with people for the last 6 years, EFT is still my tried and true.

If you're on the fence about whether this is something for you or how it might transform where you're currently experiencing pain/stuckness, I encourage you to jump on a free clarity call with me to get your questions answered.

Sometimes change can take awhile......but it doesn't always have to. You'd be surprised the miracles that can happen in a session.

Rooting for you,