How to Get Unstuck

It’s been a minute since I’ve sent my usual weekly newsletter and the truth is while I’ve missed writing and engaging with you, I needed a break.

I love this little virtual corner I’ve carved out for my self-expression and my business but with all of the change that’s happened in my life, leading a group program and honestly just wanting to enjoy the summer, I decided to put it on pause.

Plus, I needed to come to terms with the fact that something was starting to feel draining about this newsletter and I know how my energy works; when something feels stuck or depleting it’s time to hit the pause button and decide what needs to shift to get unstuck.

Once I stopped doing my usual of pushing myself to make something work that wasn’t really working anymore (sound familiar 🙃?), I realized I was actually feeling stuck in more places than just my newsletter.

And after many conversations with my community, my clients and even social media, I realized that a lot of people were having a similar experience.

You know that feeling of pressing on the gas to go but the brakes are still on?
Or you keep waiting for the light to turn green but it’s still red?

Yeah, that feeling. You're ready for a change, a shift, but in some way shape or form you're just......stuck.

I’ll admit, I’m not the most patient person in the world and I was resisting the s**t out of this experience but as the saying goes, what we resist, persists.

Eventually I got tired of my own bulls**t, deepened my commitment to my own healing tools, stopped resisting and encouraged my clients to embrace the stuck as well.

Because in a lot of ways this stuck is out of our control; we are in a collective holding pattern which can feel deeply frustrating.

On top of multiple astrological retrogrades, multiple strikes and an economic recession, 2023 is also a Chariot Year in traditional tarot.

“The Chariot calls upon us to be honest about what we don’t want or what we have outgrown, and gently reminds us that we are brave enough to go on this journey of profound releasing, making room for the things that are truly aligned for us” - Lindsay Mack

But that doesn’t mean everything is out of our control - as a dear friend just recently mentioned to me:

Being in a holding pattern can be seen as a burden or it can be seen as a blessing…….
it all depends on how we look at it.

While being in a sort of forced pause where we can’t be as distracted by our usual constant action and moving, it’s an opportunity to look at what actually might need some attention from us in order for us to move forward in more aligned and magical ways.

We might start to consider:

What if we aren't actually "stuck"? What if we're exactly where we're supposed to be so we can
learn the lesson, complete the thing or end the cycle?

While we wait for this metaphorical light to turn green, we can begin to look at our side of the street and examine what might need to be cleaned up so when that light does change, we are ready to go from a place of clarity and stability.

For me that has looked like:

  • ASKING FOR HELP (like working with a financial coach to help clean up my budgeting, money structures and income streams)

  • Expanding my acting auditions to theatre and plays

  • Expanding my consulting work to diversify my income streams

  • Re-structuring this newsletter

  • Experimenting with my morning routine + daily schedule to make room for more creativity

  • Moving my body daily and re-incorporating strength training

  • Shifting my diet and eating way more (I was severely lacking protein)

  • Setting up a weekly call with an accountability buddy to mutually discuss + support our goals

  • A lot of crying, journaling, tapping and vision boarding

As always, EFT/Emotional Freedom Technique continues to be the magic tool that continues to transform the seemingly un-transformable and not to toot my own horn (toot, toot) but I’ve been told I'm a magician.

When we tap, we release stress and re-program the thoughts and behaviors that are keeping us stuck in the first place so we can create new beliefs and actions moving forward.

If you’re ready to start or deepen those shifts, I am currently accepting 3 new EFT clients within a 3 session package.

If that’s not where you’re at, I have a free Youtube channel with EFT videos you can tap along to ie:

Remember, this period of time is not asking us to continue to just push through as we normally would because as you may have realized, that’s clearly not working.

Whether it be physical, emotional, mental, financial or spiritual, this time is asking (sometimes demanding) us to make the shifts we finally need to make for ourselves so we can have the lives and create the world we so desperately want to see.

How you answer that call is up to you.

Sending you so much love and care,